Lady Rosalind Ka'an de Durendaire

Noble, diplomat, idol, secret philanthropist, and an all around upstart. Soft as rose petals and yet easily a thorn in the side of those who would call her adversary; be it in battle or in argument. An encounter with her is going to be memorable one way or another.

A Rose by any other name...

Lady Rosalind is a former Temple Knight Hospitalier and veteran of the Dragonsong War. Having been stationed in Ishgard and throughout Coerthas as a healer, the noblewoman holds strong beliefs about right and wrong as well as an appreciation for duty and sacrifice. However, having grown disillusioned with the Church's zealotry and their lack of effort to help the most vulnerable in Ishgard in favor of war, Rosalind took leave with Ser Aymeric's blessing at the end of the war and in the wake of her father's passing to go help those who couldn't help themselves.During this period, she spent time searching for her birth mother; a Hingan who once served her father's household and a second generation conjurer. Having spent some time in Doma and Hingashi during the search, she lent her aid to free companies that could use her skills; all while secretly sending gil, goods, and necessities to orphanages in Ishgard before returning to Eorzea after her stepmother's death to assume her place as head of her father's house. Her view of the world and her own beliefs were challenged and thus shaped her into the noble she is today.Since her return, she put her household's resources to work in earnest, assisting in the rebuilding efforts in the Firmament; personally providing her skills as a weaver to the effort as needed. She also pushed for the relocation of orphanages in the Brume so that they were not in harm's way. Politically, she relishes in her position as an upstart and a rebel to her family's more conservative stance; often advocating for a more compassionate approach toward those who were once seen as lesser. "None were concerned with status when we faced the dragons on the field; so it should be so in peace."Her status as a half hyur/ half elezen and her rumored ties to various individuals of unconventional backgrounds being a point of contention for some within the family, she uses her appointed position to her advantage to call for reforms and a trade of cultures as proof that nobility is not limited to simply the pure blooded and those who engage in holier-than-thou posturing in the Pillars. This lead to her being challenged to put her gil where her mouth was in undertaking her father's position as the Liaison of Mercantile Affairs in Sharlayan following the appearance of mysterious towers all over the star.For those who have pointed out our her born noble status and cried hypocrisy, they needed look no further than the self-made Eorzean idol who has been at her side since taking her father's post; the recently minted Lord Ka'an de Durendaire, Vincent Ka'an. The former tribal seeker clawed his way from nothing to stardom; capturing the hearts of fans and also stealing his wife's heart in the process. She would be the first to claim that her husband showed her what nobility truly is.It was her husband who first encouraged her to sing publicly and thus she's become a regular in venues like the former Ameya Entertainment Hall, the Bel Canto Winery, and the Still and Strings. She has performed on request at private events and recently served as a model for the Higuri Regalia's lastest collection, the Himvat Gallery.While she kind, she can also be a fierce opponent if she or others she has a care for are threatened. Behind those silvery eyes is a power bestowed of two parents strong in both conjury and thaumaturgy; and she is quick to protect that which she cares for most.

The Lady's Biographics

"Curious to know more? Very well, here is what you should know about me."Basic Information:
Name: Lady Rosalind Ka'an de Durendaire
Age: 26
Birthdate: Thirteenth Day of the First Umbral Moon (2/13)
Race: Hyur Midlander/Ishgardian Elezen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Marital Status: Married to Vincent Ka'an
Server: Balmung - Crystal DC
Physical Appearance:
Hair: Violet with mint green highlights
Eyes: Silvery Gray
Height: 5' 4"
Build: Toned and Curvy
Distinguishing Marks: Smalls scars on the right side of the chest, the abdomen, and above the left knee. Long vertical scar on the left side from the hip to the breast.
Profession: Healer, Noblewoman, Diplomat, Idol
Hobbies: Needlework, Playing the cello, Cooking, Reading, Exploring, Interior Design, and Fashion.
Languages: Common, Hingan, two ancient dialects, and Garlean.
Residence: Maintains an estate in Ishgard, but resides primarily in the Lavender Beds to be close to work and to enjoy the peace away from Ishgard.
Birthplace: The Holy See of Ishgard
Religion: Follows the teachings of the Twelve
Patron Deity: Halone, the Fury
Fears: "If you're close enough to me to know that, then I need not explain it."
Parents: Lord Marcellus de Durendaire and Kairi Velise; stepmother the late Lady Viola de Durendaire
Siblings: A half-sister named Sakura.
Other Relatives: Members of the Durendaire family.
Spouse: Married to Lord Vincent Ka'an de Durendaire.
Children: Has no children.
Pets: "I wouldn't say I have pets, but others may disagree with that."
Extroverted, Organized, Open Minded, Agreeable, Cautious, Patient, Speaks her mind when necessary, A leader when required, Empathetic, Optimistic, A balance between the traditional and modern, Hard-working, Cultured, Loyal, and Faithful.


Soldier of War, Solider of Fortune: Veteran of war? Mercenary extraordinaire? Seeking Adventure? You might find that the Lady understands your position better than you think. As a veteran and a mercenary, she understands the call to duty as well as the pragmatic realities of being a mercenary. She is not one to shy away from offering advice on the topic if asked.

All you know is what you've learned, but what you've learned isn't all there is to know.: Such a simple phrase yet it explains the Lady's penchant for learning and her unending curiosity. She is not one to shy away from learning something new, just so long as the knowledge will not cause harm to herself of others. She is well aware of the dangers of dabbling into the forbidden; having watched previous partners suffer the consequences of their hubris.

Passion for Fashion: Be it a need for a fresh pair of eyes on a room design or a new outfit, the Lady has you covered. Her gentle and polite manner will either confirm your expression is within taste or utterly tacky. Time spent around the master weaver Redolent Rose has taught her to have a keen eye on what looks good and what would look better in the fireplace.

Politics be damned: In the wake of the new Republic of Ishgard, the Lady is both an upstart and a commodity within the political arena for those seeking a potential ally. She challenges the established ideas of the old guard with her appearance alone; having intentionally undergone efforts to have herself made to look more like her Hyur birthmother, including having her Elezen ears cut. Yet she commands the respect of even the oldest players of the game with the polite and respectful manner in which she approaches her challenges.She is also the head of her household; rumors long abounded about how she managed to remain unmarried for as long as she did given the rest of the family's insistence that she marry; even attempting to force her into an arranged marriage. While initially agreeing, it was not long before she opted to beat her superiors at their own game; the reward being that she chose to marry the man she loves. With her "outside the box" opinions on how things should be done in Ishgard and her familial connections in the East and to certain assets in other parts of Eorzea, she was seen as the perfect fit to expand Ishgard's influence in Sharlayan. Rest assured, she is not one to take lightly much less underestimate.

The Idol Life:
Lady Rosalind began overseeing the performance costumes and assisting with choreography behind the scenes for "Eorzea's Idol" not long before they married. However, it was all of a drum beat before the idol realized that he married a diamond in the rough and encouraged her to get on stage. Making her solo debut before heading off to Sharlayan to attend to her duties as a diplomat, she joined the girl group RAWR not long after her return to Eorzea. She has since been the featured performer at the event where she first took the stage, and has performed solo and with her husband.


The Starlight Ball
Word has spread among the gossipmongers in Ishgard that at a recent Starlight party held by House Borel that Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire showed up proclaiming that the nobility should be doing more to help the city's orphans with the plans for the Firmament running apace.
While her work with the city's orphanage is not shocking, and even expected considering she is alleged to have withheld their Starlight requests to fill them personally, what was shocking was that she deigned to show up at the party on the arm of a young miqo'te man. There are rumors that the young man is an aspiring idol and a former Nunh and that she even may have engaged in political maneuvering to free herself to pursue a relationship with him.

Defender of Equality
There were rumors that members of House Durendaire decried House Callineau's bill on equal education, though a minority of House members led by Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire openly supported the measure. Lady Rosalind was heard voicing her support, proclaiming thus:
"The dragons did not care about social class when they attacked and nor did we when we put out the call to arms. It was the duty of all Ishgardians to defend their home and so it falls to us to continue to do so in peace by ensuring that future generations are afforded every opportunity to be ready to defend this nation both on and off the battlefield."

Mysterious Attack at the Cathedral
Rumors heard whispered among the priests at Saint Reymanaud's say that on Starlight Eve two men, apparently sellswords, were found in the cathedral's courtyard near the rectory; one dead from a stab wound and the other unconscious with his face severely burned and a hole in his leg from some form of magic. The clergyman who found the pair said that before he found them there he was drawn by the sound of laughter, the smell of something burning and a blue glow coming from the courtyard. The matter is said to have been turned over to the Temple Knights to investigate.

The Lady of Thorns
Lady Rosalind was seen entering the hospital run by the Temple Knight Hospitaliers in Ishgard in the company of one of the physicians from the free company Soul of the Sword. While the purpose of the visit was rumored to be an offer of assistance given the shortage of staff for the holidays, nurses leaving the hospital that day spoke about Lady Rosalind being approached by a young girl and inquiring about the welfare of the elusive "Lady of Thorns;" the Holy See's most vocal detractor on their handling of the city's protection during the war. The nurses claimed that Lady Rosalind simply smiled and patted the girl on the head before walking away.

Investigations and Criticisms
A statement put out by the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly announced that the investigation into the two men found in the courtyard of Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral on Starlight Eve is concluded following a confession from the wounded survivor of the attack. He claimed that the other man attacked him and he defended himself; no charges would be rendered as a result. It was said that upon the announcement that the ever elusive Lady of Thorns, who has remained silent since the establishment of the new government, issued her own statement in answer by proxy
"In this new era of peace, Ishgard should not become the center of lawlessness for wayward sellswords and mercenaries. Our knights must remain vigilant to ensure that the safety of all of our denizens and it falls to the new government to ensure the peace is kept; lest it be known for continuing the mistakes of the past when even our orphans were not protected by those in power."

Declaration of Disdain
A statement by proxy was issued by the Lady of Thorns in answer to the recent string of pestilence and violence in the Brume, posing a scathing open question to the Parliament.
"How long shall the people of this city continue to accept and turn a blind eye to the plagues of the Brume? As devout followers of the Fury, are we content to let ne'er-do-wells overrun the streets with plague and violence and turn the Brume into little more than another version of Pearl Lane while those in power sit in the Pillars and watch while they eat their cake in the halls of Parliament? Does it not fall to the nobility to uplift the common so that our nation may thrive unified? I call upon someone....anyone to take action to redress this."Rumors around the House of Lords later that day spread that a finely dressed older elezen woman with dark locks and piercing eyes was seen leaving the Parliamentary office of Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire and that the lady was seen leaving bells later holding a draft of a measure calling on the government to institute the same measures of documentation of the deaths in the Brume as is used among nobility to avoid children being summarily kicked out of their homes and left in the streets to fend for themselves following the deaths of their caregivers.

Taking Matters into Hand
A woman with dark hair and piercing eyes dressed in a scarlet hooded robe was said to have been seen wandering the Brume handing out blankets and asking about the recent outbreak of the Red Throat in the Brume. It was said that she was seen leaving the area with two children known to be recent orphans who were later discovered resting in the infirmary run by the Order of Hospitaliers. When asked who the woman was, the children said they didn't know her name but that she had told them to refer to her only as "Milady."

Mysterious Delivery to DrachenhomeA box was delivered to Drachenhome's new location after yesterday's gathering filled with brand new bandages that appeared to be made with cloth imbued of wind aether as well as several bottles of tonics labeled as "scarring tonic" and a smaller box filled with fresh rolanberry tarts. The delivery also came with an unsigned note with instructions on how to use the tonic to lessen scars from various burns and unsightly injuries as well as a simple message of thanks for the hospitality at the event.

Secret Meetings
A member of the Scholasticate let slip that on a recent visit to the organization's library housed within Saint Reymanaud's Cathedral, one of the benefactors of the organization, Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire, was seen speaking with a priest in hushed tones. The member said that during the conversation the priest made a remark and that the Lady's visage went from serene to impassioned, telling the priest in a rather stern tone that was heard by all present "I have watched several of my countrymen die needlessly for a lie in my lifetime; the fact that there are those who would still cling to this lie to slaughter our own people sickens me. We have enough problems with rebuilding; clinging to the old ways and beliefs isn't doing us any good. It's about time we accepted change and take a hard look at how we've treated our own, let alone outsiders. Those who were deemed heretics by the Holy See during the war were accused simply for wanting peace; can we not have that already?" The priest was seen apologizing for offending her as she walked out of the cathedral in an agitated state.
After the Lady's departure, the priest was heard telling another member of the clergy that a large donation had been made and that the sanctuary would be prepared for a wedding in the coming weeks.

Strange Happenings
A rather strange turn of events has taken place with the walls of Durendaire Manor. Rumors among the staff there tell of Lady Rosalind meeting with vendors in private to arrange flowers, wine, and decorations for an eternal bonding ceremony and the lady herself has been seen trying on a custom made gown; though no one in House Durendaire can confirm an engagement. One staff member let slip however that the lady has been spending a lot of time in the Goblet and has discussed relocating her household and staff out of Durendaire Manor.
Further investigation confirmed that Lady Rosalind has quit her affairs in Hingashi and returned to Eorzea on a permanent basis, with the lady admitting that she was "returning home to focus more on the plights of my people and to lend strength to the winds of change that Ishgard is so direly in need of right now." It's rumored that she will be putting a measure before the House of Lords to establish a small council to work with the Church on researching and revising what is taught about the events of the past so they more accurately reflect history and do not lend credence to zealotry.

Actions and Consequences
A message that has been passed around the offices of the House of Lords claims that Lady Rosalind has either been stripped of her position or soon will be. When pressed on the matter, those who claimed to be an authority on the matter could not confirm the message, much less its author, but did note that the Lady's open challenge of the family's established political stance has not done her any favors. What is known is that as the Lady returns to Ishgard to focus on helping her people, questions will be raised as what will be her response to the rumor. Those in the information industry might have heard rumors of the author being within House Durendaire itself.

A Return Home and a New Arrival
Lady Rosalind was spotted returning to her family's estate quietly late in the evening the other night unaccompanied. Servants who work in the house claim that when the Lady was informed of the rumors about the status of her position, she waved her hand nonchalantly; seemingly aware of them already. She was seen hours later by passersby entering the Tribunal and heard asking about the whereabouts of the Count de Durendaire's chief of staff; though none can confirm the reason why or if she actually spoke with him or the Count himself.
What can be confirmed is that during this period of time a red-haired Raen from the East was seen approaching the Haillenarte Family's Estate and requesting an audience with Lord Francel. It's said she arrived with a letter of recommendation from a noble and that the seal on the letter was of a laurel of thorns; she was rumored to have been received almost immediately, though there is no word what the woman visited the young noble to discuss.

Heretical RumorsA document was delivered to the offices of the Inquisition claiming that Lady Rosalind may possibly have been engaged in "heretical" magic. The document claims that the Lady's ties to a member of House Dzemael from the past led her towards pursuing "unnaturally dark powers" and that as her late father, Lord Marcellus de Durendaire was a thaumaturge, that she herself may be attempting to use these abilities to ill ends. While the document produces little in concrete evidence or even mentions certain events, what is clear is that the accusations levied are in stark contrast to her behavior of late and seem to be conveniently timed with the recent rumors over her imminent ouster from her position being discovered to be little more than idle gossip stirred up by her detractors within the House of Lords that do not share her views on certain scriptures from volume eleven of the Articles of Halonic Polity.

A Duel at DinnerA large green diagram was seen over Fortemps Manor that seemed to fill the sky and was witnessed by several passersby. A short time later, a member of House Haillenarte was seen being helped to Haillenarte Manor by two of the guards from Fortemps Manor. It was heard from the guards talking that a duel had been handed down between that member of House Haillenarte and the Lady of Thorns, who had made a rare appearance at a dinner party. Rather than breach protocol by fighting a man, it was said that Lady Rosalind's seeker "friend", Vincent Ka'an, who was also a guest at the dinner party, offered to serve as the champion for the Lady of Thorns.It was also said his offer was precipitated by repeated insults directed at Lady Rosalind, who was not in attendance. Those who heard the insults claimed that the member of House Haillenarte referred to her as a "mongrel" and "a tumor to be excised." It's said given the man's loss in the duel to the seeker, he will be serving as a worker at Rolanberry Field Orphanage until he has learned his lesson in humility.

A Thorny Response
Several copies of a statement were found posted around various points of the city and in the local news this morning. The seal on the bottom of the statements posted in the city, a laurel of thorns in deep red wax, indicated from whom the statement was made.
"It is high time that the Parliament reign in the insanity of the Inquisition. Inquisitors being called into the offices of their internal oversight whilst others skulk about exacting petty vengeance upon newly minted nobles for personal slights under the guise of heresy is undermining the integrity of the entire establishment. The Inquisition sought to remove the roots of heresy within our city and now that the war is over it has become a tool of petty revenge for the elite. Rather than focusing on the true threats that befall our citizens they would chase rumors and falsehoods set by spurned nobles with personal agendas. Perhaps the time has come to finally dispense with obsolete establishments and spend the funds given them on things that unite the people rather than divide them.""L. T., Lady of Ishgard"

Trial by Ice
The personal retainer of a high ranking member of House Durendaire as well as a red-haired Raen were seen outside the courtyard entrance of Durendaire Manor along with a handful of men carrying multiple crates and sacks. Some of the crates were said to have been loaded onto a carriage for transport to Southern Thanalan while some of the sacks, containing bone and skin from a snow white wyvern, were delivered to artisans in the Jeweled Crozier in the name of Lady Rosalind and Vincent Ka'an.
A servant also let slip that the red-haired Raen had paid a visit to the seeker, who had spent the last several days recovering at the Manor, in private; though details on his injuries were not known. The servant did say in the weeks leading up to the visit that there was talk of a "trial" and that Lady Rosalind had been barred from intervening under threat of exile and being stripped of her title outright. They also shared that since the seeker's time in recovery, there has been a dramatic shift in House Durendaire's treatment of both he and Lady Rosalind; including the fact that the family's chief chirurgeon was sent to attend the seeker personally.

Silence Broken
After an extended silence falling over the Durendaire Estate and all seeming calm, a courier bearing an urgent missive from Gridania was seen entering the estate. While members of the house were asked if everything was alright, they remained tight-lipped, dismissing the courier's presence as business as usual. However, Lady Rosalind's steward was summoned and given instructions to "make preparations."

Sweet Speculation
After two days of what seemed to be a wall of silence on the mysterious messenger at the Durendaire Estate, a passerby caught a glimpse of one Carlisle Valrois, steward to Lady Rosalind, leaving a bakery in the Jeweled Crozier with one of the maids of the house in tow. While it could have been passed off as a simple shopping trip for a specialty at first, the passerby noticed that the steward mentioned to the maid that "the house will be feverishly busy in the coming months."

Noble Engagement
Rumors from witnesses at a performance venue in the Black Shroud claim that Lady Rosalind was seen last night in a highly jovial mood and wore a lavish and custom made ring with a large, dark green stone surrounded by light purple stones. Not even a bell within the rumors being uttered in the Crozier passed before the following announcement was seen posted by the Durendaire family:
"It is the Durendaire Family's pleasure to formally announce the betrothal of Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire to Master Vincent Ka'an. In accordance with the traditions of our nation, Master Ka'an and Lady Rosalind will wed in a formal service at a later date following an appropriate period of betrothal. May Halone bless the happy couple and continue to protect our nation."

Blood and Bells
Rumors swirled around the Jeweled Crozier that the normally prim and well dressed Lady Rosalind de Durendaire was seen entering the family estate looking disheveled and her clothes covered in dirt and what may have even been blood late last night. Whatever had happened, one thing was clear; she left less than a bell later with what appeared to be a member of the Sanctum of the Twelve.

The Ties that Bind
The family residence of Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire has been very busy in recent weeks. Servants, caterers, and florists have been seen going in and out of the house as the Lady's steward, Carlisle, has been seen in the company of several merchants including representatives of the recently popular Lotus Company out of Kugane. One of the maids in the Jeweled Crozier was overheard mentioning that Lady Rosalind has been back and forth between the house, her private residence in Gridania, and Tribunal and on several occasions has been seen in the company of the other family heads.
While news of her engagement made the rounds, it is rumored that the noblewoman is opting to skip the traditional engagement period; though what has prompted the decision to do so remains a mystery. What is known is that the bonding ceremony is soon and that it will not be held at Saint Reymanaud's as originally speculated.

Match Made in Seven Heavens
The Eternal Bonding of Lady Rosalind Velise de Durendaire to Eorzean Idol Vincent Ka'an proved to be a grand event with celebrities and nobles of Ishgard and well known families of Hingashi in attendance. While the event was by invitation only, it was said that the ceremony was as romantic as it was ostentatious.
The happy couple is rumored to have traveled to a private island for their honeymoon where they were seen enjoying the local markets, the beaches, and dancing a rather impassioned tango to the local music.

Duty Calls
In the wake of the chaos in Garlemald and the abstinence of Sharlayan to assist the Eorzean Alliance, a small group of nobles from Ishgard were dispatched to Sharlayan in the hopes of fostering goodwill with the Sharlayan Forum.
Among them, Lady Rosalind Ka'an de Durendaire took her late father's post as Ishgard's Liaison of Mercantile Affairs; reaching out to both the Forum and the local merchants to foster good relations between Sharlayan's markets and the markets of the Jeweled Crozier.It is rumored that Lord Vincent accompanied her and offered aid to the Garlean refugees by delivering supplies through his merchant company, the Mhazi Trading Company.

A Star is Born
After the events that saw the fabled Warrior of Light and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn saving the world, Lord and Lady Ka'an de Durendaire quietly returned to Eorzea. While the noblewoman's work continues both in Ishgard and in Sharlayan, the mint idol began a withdrawl from the spotlight.
Rumors of new music abounded as both he and Lady Rosalind were rather quiet until the noblewoman was seen rehearsing for a music festival. No word has been made if her appearance will be solo or alongside the Eorzean Idol.

Rumors have begun to spread that while Lord Vincent Ka'an has returned to the studio to create new material, it is another Ka'an that will be taking the stage.
Those rumors were confirmed when it was recently announced that the Hingan Pop group RAWR was adding a new member: Rose Ka'an. Those familiar with the alias immediately confirmed that with peace settling over Eorzea and abroad, Lady Rosalind is adding a new chapter to her life's story.

A Home Away from Home
Lord Vincent Ka'an de Durendaire was seen boarding a ship for the Bounty with rumors that the Mhazi Trading Company was going to be introducing a new brand.
Meanwhile, the Lady Rosalind was seen in Moraby Baby with officials from the Thalassocracy heading for the Cieldalaes. It was later confirmed that the Lady was taking some "personal time" on an island purchased under the trading company's seal.

Mint Oasis
Stalls in the marketplaces of Eorzea and in the shop of The Lotus Company in Kugane began to put up signage with the a logo of a new brand of bath and beauty products. The signage simply stated: "Coming soon: Mint Oasis Bath and Beauty by Vincent Ka'an. Exclusively through the Mhazi Trading Company."
When asked about the sign, the owners of the Lotus Company confirmed that Lord Vincent Ka'an de Durendaire was bringing a new brand for the new turn and that a select number of products would be available for preview in the coming weeks.

Rookie Rhapsody
Throughout Eorzea, posters were put advertising the second annual Rookie Rhapsody with Rose Ka'an listed as the featured Rookie performer.
It's said that while the performance was well received, the Lady was seen in a rare moment with Lord Vincent Ka'an de Durendaire, who had been noticeably absent by her side of late, looking tired and a bit concerned.

A Strange Twist
It's been speculated what Lady Rosalind's ties are to thaumaturgy as her late father was once a thaumaturge. However, the Ossuary confirms that she has never sought out there teachings.
On a recent trip to the Churning Mists, a survey team spotted the Lady looking "very much unlike herself;" sporting a flame wreathed rod and practicing spells in the midst of the storms that rolled in. One surveyor even claimed to see a dragon amidst the skies unlike the others; however, not much heed was given. Dragons in the Churning Mists are all too common, after all.

Romance in the Pumpkin Patch
All Saint's Wake brings all sorts of interesting sights and fun for Eorzeans. It's not uncommon to find people at the pumpkin patches around the Black Shroud selecting gourds to decorate for their homes. One such couple was seen dancing amidst the gourds in carefree fashion; though some of the children swear they saw small blue flame balls flickering and floating nearby as if watching the couple.

Ameya's Final Show
Lord and Lady Ka'an de Durendaire were seen on hand for the final performance at Ameya as the owner announced its closure. Lady Rosalind, foregoing her usual panache, opted for a more heartfelt performance; personally thanking Lady Zahra for her efforts and for being an inspiration.
After the show, the Lord and Lady were seen exchanging pleasantries with the Diamond Sultan, Lord Thiji Higuri. Rumors quickly spread among merchants shortly after about if the Bounty's most generous benefactor was expanding his business to include trade with the Mhazi Trading Company.

The Himvat Gallery
The Higuri Regalia announced a new line of clothes dedicated for adventurers looking for both form and function! The Himvat Gallery as it's being called, had a selection from its line put on display in a fashion show held at Abbiocco's. Several of Eorzea's fashion mavens were in attendance for the affair; with the line receiving stellar reviews.
Sporting a sleek design made for the Astrologian, Lady Rosalind was spotted paying homage to her family's dedication to the study of the stars; even dying her normally violet and mint locks white to mark the occasion.(The designs of the selection from the fashion show can be found here: )


Among the Lady's hobbies is writing short stories. These are some of the more recent writings that have been put to parchment...

Contacting Lady Rosalind

"You have questions that need answering? Here is the easiest way to reach me..."